As I was packing up at lunchtime today, a male Kestrel flew over really low. A large rodent was clearly grasped in its talons, and held parallel with the Kestrel’s body, so minimising wind resistance. I didn’t see it actually take its prey, but it was still gaining height, so it is reasonable to assume that it had made its kill on the allotments.
As we inevitably get vermin on the site, a friendly Kestrel or 2 must be about the most attractive and spectacular method of keeping them under control. Watch out for them hovering and looking with their ultra-violet sensitive eyes for tell-tale rodent urine trails, which fluoresces in ultra-violet light.
I hope that the Kestrel’s brood enjoyed their lunch.
For more information on Kestrels, see The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds or The British Trust for Ornithology